from the Zappanale website:
Already announced are:
Zappatika, Great Britain
The Central Scrutinizer Band, Brazil
The Paul Green School of Rock Music, USA
Lilo's Zapmospheres, France
Caballero Reynaldo, Spain
Don Condor & The Texas Outpost, Germany
also coming along:
Muffin Men, Great Britain to the 20st stage anniversary,
Capillary Action, USA
Le Bocal, France
Beardfish, Sweden
Bongo Fury,won't tell you!
Plastic People of the Universe, Czech
Sebkha Chott, France
Ensemble Ambrosius, Finland
Jazzprojekt Hundehagen, Germany
-- info: Javier
WHAT!?!?!?!??? No BOGUS POMP?????