Saturday, August 24, 2024


  • Luzia Von Wyl & This Is Pan: Lockdown Circus
        (2024, cd, Switzerland, lu records)
Early 2021, Swiss composer Luzia Von Wyl got contacted by alto sax player Matthias Kohler.
Matthias asked Luzia if she would be interested to write a piece for his "All Ears" concert series.
The concept for the "All Ears" concerts being that they are performed by Matthias' This Is Pan ensemble, together with the composer, but only after one rehearsal, shortly before the gig.

When Luzia committed to the project, it wasn't clear if the actual concert would be for a live audience, or if it would be streamed... Perhaps that made her decide to choose the lockdown as a topic.

"Lockdown Circus" tells the story of circus artists who have to perform for an empty stage, displaying their talents but also their frustration, their fear and their sadness.
Written out, but with lots of room for improvisation.

As luck would have it, the actual concert took place on February 15, 2022, for a live audience. Even more so, it was the last concert where the audience had to wear masks.
After the overwhelming reception of the concert, it was decided that it needed to be documented.
Recorded in 2023, the album got released on February 15, 2024. Exactly two years after the performance.

Luzia added in the liner notes:
This album is a document of it's time, but is much more. Above all, may it be the great party that we did not celebrate. Clear the ring!

And that's exactly what this album is. A beautiful collection of pieces that look back on the lockdown, but also celebrate the end of it.

Beautiful !!

CD available from the Lu Label website:

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