Sunday, January 24, 2010


U.S.-based label Natural Selection Records has made a deal with German Discorporate Records (Gotta love that name...) to re-release Capillary Action's second album, "So Embarrassing".
In my humble opinion, I think that Discorporate Records has made a good choice. "So Embarrassing" is a very impressive album. Written and performed by Jonathan Pfeffer and his friends (a 12-piece band !!), this album presents a fine mixture of (sometimes even crooner) jazz, orchestrated chaos, and straight-forward guitar riffs.
It's cross-over with great rhythmic turns. It's sharp and angular.
Jonathat Pfeffer's vocals make the music rather accessible, but if you listen to what's happening on the background, you'll go crazy.
The total lenght of the album is a bit over thirty minutes, which makes it sound as one single powerful track.
If you're into Mr.Bungle or Zappa, you'll like this. Capillary Action's music takes the same direction (and twisted turns). I love it.

Wether you look at the physical phenomenon, or listen to the band, "Capillary Action" will impress you.
It'll make you frown and say "wow' at the same time.
Recommended listening.

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