Friday, November 22, 2019


Mats Öberg made an album, improvising over Zappa themes.
Solo piano.

As Mats explains in the liner notes:
"What I wanted to do was to make improvisations over Zappa-themes and to do it in my way, using my imagination. I didn't want to play the tunes strictly as they were written; many other people have done that before already."

The result is amazing.
Mats takes you on a journey. I couldn't stop listening.
  1. läther
  2. oh no
  3. echidna's arf / do you ever wash that thing?
  4. inca roads
  5. the black page
  6. king kong
  7. zoot allures
  8. toads of the short forest
  9. twenty small cigars
  10. uncle meat
  11. a pound for a brown on the bus
  12. ruth is sleeping
  13. outside now
I was thinking of giving Ahmet Zappa a call to tell him that this should be released on the Zappa Records label. Well, unfortunately, I don't have Ahmet's phone number and he probably wouldn't listen to me but I am quite serious: this album should be part of the Zappa catalogue.
As for know, it's available (in a limited / numbered edition) from Hans Annellsson.
Contact Hans through his website.


  1. Thanks Peter for the info. At the moment the cd is only available through me, send an email to

  2. hmmmm. this is something I've been dreaming about for a long while. And of course it is a challenge to secure!
