Saturday, June 4, 2011, the MJO is scheduled to perform at Appeltuinjazz in Leuven with "Muze Jazz Orchestra plays Frank Zappa".
MJO is a 9-piece band. The Zappa pieces got arranged by Lieven Cambré. The band will be performing some material by Lieven Cambré as well.
The setlist should include: Peaches En Regalia (F. Zappa), Cletus Alwreetus-Alwrightus (Zappa), Po-Jama People (Zappa), Sofa (Zappa) As I think you are (Cambré), Lady Bird (arr. Cambré)
Muze Jazz Orchestra
- Lieven Cambré - altsax
- Daniel Vanderhoydonks - trumpet
- Koen Nys - tenorsax
- Igor Maseroli - bariton sax
- Tim Daemen: trombone
- Marco Cirone: gitaar en vocals
- David Hermans: piano
- Tom Van Acker: bass
- David La Mela: drums
2011/06/04 Muze Jazz Orchestra - concert "AppeltuinJazzFestival", 'De Appeltuin', Leuven, Belgium
In Leuven, and not in Zolder as I mentioned earlier...