Friday, July 19, 2024


Another trip to Zappanale – Part 4.
Thursday, July 18 – Zappanale warm-up
The police will say: “You’re Under Arrest”.

Thursday took us from Hamburg to Bad Doberan.
Those of you who have ever been to the Zappanale festival, probably know that there are two important locations when it comes to Zappanale. There’s the little town of Bad Doberan where one can find Zappa’s statue, the Kamp Theater, and the expo venue, and then there’s the festival ground, located at the horse race track, a couple of kilometers outside of Bad Doberan.
Some people stay at the little village (or in one of the neighbouring towns) while others camp (tent or camping car at the festival ground.
Moving between those areas can be done in different ways, although not all of the options are available at all times: car, rental, taxi, bike, the Molli train, or even on foot.

Anyway, we are staying in Bad Doberan and we always start our local adventure with a walk to the statue and a visit of the expo.
This year, the main two topics at the expo are Helmut King’s “The Crux Of The Biscuit”, and an overview (and much more) of FZ’s “Apostrophe” album.

The cover of the catalogue will give you an idea of what to expect (art by Helmut King).

And a snapshot of one of the many (!!) different pressings that can be found on the “Apostrophe” floor.
A Belgian pressing of "Apostrophe"? Wow.

A bit later, at 15h00 in the main tent at the festival ground, the BundespolizieoOrchester Berlin kicked off the festival. All dressed up in their police uniform, they performed a variety of songs from different bands / composers: Deep Purple, Aaron Copland, Led Zeppelin, and of course, Frank Zappa.
It was really nice and created an exuberant atmosphere.

I admit that it was a bit strange to see a bunch of Zappa freaks singing along to the Village People’s ‘YMCA’. When I confronted a few of them later on, they all told me that it was their girlfriend that had made them do it…
The warm-up party continued on the Mystery Stage with Dawnation, Blanck Zappath and Birth Control.

We caught Blanck Zappath (covering Zappa and Black Sabbath) and called it a night.

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