Monday, March 17, 2025


From: Jonathan Mover

Re: UK/EU Sept Tour Postponed

Hello All,
As some/many of you knew, ProgJect was preparing to embark on our first UK/EU tour in mid-September, playing about a dozen shows in the UK, BE, NL, CH and DE, and extremely excited about it. Well, sadly, the tour has to be postponed and pushed back to June 2025 due to yours truly. That's right, it's all my fault! Short story... we got back from the last tour, which was fantastic, but I unfortunately sustained a pretty serious lower-back injury, resulting in two severely herniated lumbar discs at L4/L5/S1. For anyone that knows what I'm talking about, thank you for your sympathy - could not walk for four joke! Was finally able to get an MRI, which shows the damage, and surgery is needed to fix it. Fortunately, it's a minor one, compared to most back surgeries, and the neurosurgeon is giving me a 99.99% full recovery, as this is fairly routine and he does several a week. Regardless, it is surgery and there is a recovery period needed.
The reason for pushing the tour back, isn't because I cannot play–I can–it's because the doctor is very concerned about the amount of travel: sitting upright on two 12-hour flights (and hoping for very smooth air), along with my bouncing around in the back of a Sprinter for fifteen days and possibly making things worse. At the moment, I have no nerve damage and no loss of muscle strength, which is great, and it's important for me to keep it that way. If I reinjure and/or make things worse, the result could be permanent nerve damage and a more complex surgery. So, I'm erring on the side of caution and playing it safe by avoiding the Sprinter and the 12-hour flights needed to get over there and back.
That being said, we have a one-off in Panama at the very end of September, which would have been right after the UK/EU run, which I am determined to play, since it's a much shorter flight and no ground transportation other than 15 minutes to and from the gig.
My sincere apologies to all! Please know that we'll be back out there in 2025, will make up every show that was booked, and are booking many more now that we have a bit of extra time to work on it. Many thanks, and I/we very much appreciate your understanding!

-- info: Philippe Lamoot

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