Sunday, July 7, 2024


  • bruno vansina: blauw kou
        (2024, cd, Belgium, private release / van001)
Revisiting Bruno Vansina's "Blauw Kou" album today.
I saw the band live at De Singer a bit over a year ago. It was quite a remarkable concert. Relaxing, melodic, exotic, lots of percussion and even a string section.
With both Bruno and Magic Malik adding beautiful solos.

As second attempt to see them live at De Bijloke last month did not happen, eventually. The (open air) concert took place, but the bad weather conditions kept me home.

Fortunately, there's the CD.
8 pieces. And these 8 pieces reflect or evoke the same feelings that I remember from the concert.

"Blauw Kou" is available through Bandcamp for download & streaming, but it has also been made available on CD.

Recommended listening !

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