Friday, June 14, 2024


Some of my friends collect all the different pressings of the various Frank Zappa albums.
This is an exercise that never stops. It probably starts with the vinyl editions and then moves on to 8-tracks, cassettes and CD's.
Check out the huge Grand Zappa book if you want to get an idea of what the Zappa vinyl collectors world looks like...

Although I do not consider myself a collector in that sense of the word, I do admit that I have different pressings of several albums. 
And to be completely honest, I even started to buy some (or most) of the 'latest' vinyl series that was released on the Zappa records label.
Especially, these brand-new editions of the first Mothers album look and sound amazing.

That being said, I somehow misplaced (?) my copy of the 2013 re-issue of "Freak Out". I'm rather convinced that I framed it
** I have these re-usable 12" x 12" frames that I use to brighten up the house :-) **
and even had it up on the wall for a while, with the other early Mothers releases, but I can't find it anymore. Or maybe that was the initial idea but it never actually happened... Aarghh... I'm getting old...

Long story short, I bought another (?) copy of the 2013 "Freak Out" and it arrived last week.
Includes the "Freak Out Hot Spots" Map.

And I couldn't resist to fill a gap, so I bought the 2013 re-issue of "Uncle Meat" as well.
Includes the "Uncle Meat Booklet".

Now where are these frames...

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