Sunday, September 22, 2024


  • vivienne aerts: typuhthâng
        (2023, booklet + cd, --, private release)
Vocalist and composer Vivienne Aerts released "Typhthâng" a bit over a year ago.
The album highlights, showcases and focusses on female musicians.

I wanted to check out "Typuhthâng" because both Corrie van Binsbergen and Hermine Deurloo participated.
I had hoped that Corrie would have added a typical guitar solo somewhere, but that turned out to be more electronic sound effects.
Hermine Deurloo's harmonica solo in 'You're My Morning' gave me goosebumps.  

"Typuhthâng" is ethereal and fairy-like. It floats between jazz and folk.
It's a beautiful tribute to the women in music.

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