Sunday, September 22, 2024


  • bo van de graaf: package deal
        (2002, cd, the netherlands, bv haast)
Released on the Dutch BV Haast record label in 2002, "Package Deal" sampled Bo van de Graaf's musical output.

Saxophonist, improvisor and composer Bo van de Graaf's musical variety is impressive, to say the least: improvised music (influenced by ICP), multimedia projects, sideman in different jazz projects, composer for Kladderadatch, but also founder of I Compani (arranging the music of Nina Rota), and of The Big Swifty (a band that also performed the music of Frank Zappa !).

As a nice bonus, the first track on "Package Deal" presents a fine guitar solo by Corrie van Binsbergen.

Here's Bo van de Graaf's I Compani performing FZ's 'King Kong', earlier this year.

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